
It has been a while since I've written a blog post due to a lot of schoolwork. Before I start catching up on all my blogging work, I want to give you a heads up about all the things I've been doing these last couple of months. In that way my upcoming blog posts won't be so confusing and it will all make sense in the end. Get ready for a list of things I've been doing along with some pretty pictures.

The last time I spoke to you guys was around April/May. Since the pressdays my life has gotten pretty busy, both personally and blogging-wise. I've been working with a couple of brands such as Fuelfood and Innerglow. Two healthy brands that I like a lot. I've been writing weekly Dutch blog posts for Fuelfood which you can find here. My next post on my own blog will be one about Innerglow, a brand designed by the lovely Angéline who makes ready-to-blend smoothies which are soooo delicious! Stay tuned for more info about this brand at the end of the week!

May also brought some awesome new friends. Thanks to the pressdays I got to know a lot of fellow bloggers who really inspire me. I've been discovering new yummy places with Florence from Go With Flo, I discovered the limited edition collection from IKEA in collaboration with Coely with Nena from Turn It Inside Out and I've been to many events with Lynn from L'amour Innocent. All of these exciting moments from May and June will come to you in the next couple of weeks!

Besides these happy moments I've also been hard at work for school. I've finished my final assignment and succeeded, which means I'm graduated with a masters degree of Interior Architecture. At the end of June we had an exhibition with all the students for our teachers and our family. And, along with my partner in this assignment, we also got selected for an other exhibition in 'De Singel' in August, so if you are curious on what we did, you can come and see for yourself! To finish off the school year, Gate 15 organised a graduation party at the Zoo of Antwerp where we danced and celebrated the end of our unilife between the flamingo's in a retro chic style! 

All the above will be posted these next few weeks with a longer description and a lot more pictures. One major thing I've done last week actually is something I wanted to do for the past two years and that was cutting my hair and donating it to Think Pink. If you want to see a preview of my new haircut then you can find a picture on my Instagram page. Of course the before and after pictures will come along with the blog post! I think I've mentioned most of the events that happened in those two months of not blogging. Keep an eye out on my blog if you want to know more about any of these things and I will talk to you very soon!

- xoxo - 

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