It is only four sleeps until Christmas now and I'm more than excited about it! I was wondering what to write about next for my blog, and a good Q&A is always fun to read and to learn more about the person behind all these words. So here it is, a Christmas questions and my answers to them.
1. What is your favourite holiday movie?
I haven't seen that many movies that are Christmas related but the movie I literally see every year is Home Alone. I even watched it in Spain during the summer holidays and I immediately was in a super festive spirit! I also really like The Holiday with Kate Winslet, Cameron Diaz, Jude Law and Jack Black.
2. What is you favourite Christmas colour?
My favourite Christmas colour has got to be red. Everywhere you look in the shopping streets, you see red combined with white or silver of gold. If I had to choose a colour clothing wise I would say glittery black. You can never go wrong with a sparkly Little Black Dress.
3. Do you like to stay in your PJ's or dress up for Christmas?
Most of the time I am already in my PJ's, and if I don't have to go outside that day, I just stay in them (no shame!). But when it is the day of Christmas Eve, I wake up in time so I have enough time to get everything ready for the evening. After all, I have to paint my nails, pluck my eyebrows so they can be on fleek, shave everything, scrub everything, wash my hair, do my make up, ... You should understand it by now. :)
4. If you only could buy one person a present this year, who would it be and why?
This is a rather though question. In our family, we always buy a present for everyone. Which means my mom, dad and two sisters. I also buy a present for my boyfriend of course. But if I have to choose, it would be either my mom or my boyfriend. My mom does a lot for me and my sisters and works very hard so if there is one person who deserves it, it is her. But my boyfriend also does so much for me and he is one of the most important people in my life (if not the most important of them all). So yeah, one of them two.
5. Do you open your presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning?
We have always opened our presents on Christmas Eve. We usually have dinner (that consists of a lot of food + dessert!) and in between dinner we open our presents.
6. Have you ever built a ginger bread house?
I have never built a ginger bread house! It isn't a tradition or something like that in Belgium and I have never seen it in shops but I would love to make one one day. They always seem to nice to eat them afterwards.
7. What do you like to do on your Christmas break?
My Christmas break right now is the time for me to study for our finals in January. I also have to work almost every day during the break next to the studying part, so there isn't much time left over to see some friends or to go out. I wish I could go skiing or on the other hand go on a holiday to a nice and warm country.
8. What is your favourite Christmas song?
This is a hard question as well because I have been listening to so much Christmas songs for the last few weeks. One I always sing out loud when I hear it, is 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' from Mariah Carey. I know, it's cliche but oh well.
9. What is at the top of your Christmas wish list?
I'm in desperate need of new and good make up brushes. The ones I have at the moment are cheap and not soft at all because they are getting old. So some Real Techniques brushes are on top of my wish list, along with the Naked Palette 3 from Urban Decay. (no, my make up collection isn't big enough yet)
10. What is the most important thing about Christmas for you?
The last question and the most deep one haha. For me, Christmas is all about the festivities and the joy of bringing your family together. I love seeing my family laugh and smile and be happy, because most of the time I'm in a continuous fight with one of my sisters and on Christmas, it's all happy feelings for a day. My parents always say that we shouldn't buy them presents and to save our money but when they then open their presents and are happy with them, it just makes me happy as well. I am a happy person all year long and I always like to laugh, but this day and moment always fills my heart with a lot of joy.
I hope you liked this post and learned a bit more about me. If you want, you could answer these questions yourselves and leave them in the comments below so I can read them as well :)
- xoxo -
- 18:00