


This outfit post is the first one with my new Converse which I already love so much. I've wanted these for a very long time and last week, my boyfriend gave me these as a birthday present. Some black sneakers are the easiest thing to combine with every outfit you have in your closet. 

Since the weather is getting better every day, I had to try these All Stars out and pair them with my mom jeans I spoke about in my previous post. The jeans I found at the thrift store for only two euros, an absolute bargain! Along with my leather jacket from H&M and a black tee with Madonna's face on it, I felt pretty confident in this total outfit. 

The pictures were taken this weekend when it was really nice outside. My boyfriend and I went out for some pancakes and ice cream and enjoyed the sun during a walk around the neighbourhood. My black All Stars will absolutely be worn a lot the next few months or even years!

- xoxo -

What I'm wearing:
Chanel glasses
H&M Leather jacket
H&M Madonna T-shirt
Thrift shop jeans
Converse Black All Stars
Leather handbag from a Spanish boutique

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