Since my last post, I promised to give an update on the chair we had to make. We finished our chair in time and received our grades on it. We got a twelve out of twenty which is fine for me because it was an absolute pain in the ass. The chair is called 'Alfa' because the loop the frame makes looks a lot like the alpha sign. But now I am in the middle of my exams and I am actually glad I've got to learn my courses now. I've missed the studying part because we had so much evaluations and now that I think about it, the school year is almost over as well. After this year, I'll probably get my diploma and I'm officially an Interior Architect, how crazy is that! Although I'm not going to get a job immediately. After these three years of doing what I love to do, I'm going to study one more year for my master degree and hopefully be ready for the real work. But first I've got to succeed in these exams and the hot weather is not helping at all. I can't wait for the summer holidays to begin! See you guys soon!
- xoxo -
Pictures were taken by my partner and I
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